Christian Death Metal List

This list contains Christian bands or bands with Christian artist from all around the world! If you feel that a band should be on the list which have not been listed, or a band should not be listed for whichever reason, please reach out to us on

BandFor Fans of…Genre/Sub-GenreCountryWebsiteLink to Music
AbrogarBrutal Death MetalMexico
Adorned in AshDeath MetalSouth Africa
AdventunnumBrutal/Technical Death MetalBrazil
AeturnusThrash/Death MetalUnited States
Against DarknessDeath MetalRomania
AgonalDoom/Death/Gothic MetalUnited States
AlfaDeath/Thrash MetalBrazil
AlmagorDeath MetalVenezuela
AmenDeath Metal (early), Psychedelic/Progressive Thrash Metal (later)Croatia
AnaemiaAnathemaDoom/Death MetalSweden
And All Shall BowDeath Metal with Gothic influencesUnited States
ApostisyMelodic Doom/Death MetalUnited States
AscendantBlack/Death MetalDenmark
Ascending KingDeath/Black MetalUnited States
Awake the SufferingDeath MetalUnited States
AzmavethBlack/Death MetalPuerto Rico
AzorragueDeath MetalBrazil
Above the StormMelodic Death MetalUnited States
AletheianBeyond CreationTechnical Melodic Death MetalUnited States
Angel 7Death/Power/Thrash MetalUkraine
A Hill to Die UponBehemoth (old), HateBlack/Death MetalUnited States
Ashen MortalityMy Dying Bride, The Silent Wake, DraconianGothic/Death/Doom Metal with Folk influencesUnited Kingdom
AcéldamaDeath Metal (early), Brutal Death Metal (later)Costa Rica
AntestorDeath/Doom Metal (early)Norway
AntidemonCannibal Corpse, Hate EternalDeath Metal/GrindcoreBrazil
Abated Mass of FleshIngested (UK)Slam/Brutal Death Metal, DeathcoreUnited States
AbomínioDeath MetalBrazil
AzbukBlack Metal (early), Death Metal (later)Brazil
BenefactorDeath Metal/GrindcoreBrazil
BenevolenceDeath MetalUnited States
BesiegedMelodic Death Metal/MetalcoreUnited States
BestiaryMetalcore, Death MetalUnited States
Blood ThirstyBrutal/Symphonic Death MetalUnited States
Bloodline SeveredMetalcore/Melodic Death MetalUnited States
Broken FleshEnragement, Broken Hope, Cryptopsy, SuffocationBrutal Death Metal/DeathcoreUnited States
Brutal CrossBlack/Death MetalPoland
Brutal SacrificeDeath MetalBrazil
Brutal WarDeath/Thrash MetalBrazil
BerithDeath MetalBrazil
BloodworkDeath MetalUnited Kingdom
Children of WrathBlack/Death MetalUnited States
ClamatoriusBlack/Death MetalBrazil
ClemencyDeath MetalBrazil
ConsumadoDeath/Thrash MetalEl Salvador
Consuming FireDeath MetalUnited States
ContrariaMelodic Death MetalEcuador
CorvidaeBlack/Death MetalMexico
Creation of DeathThrash/Death MetalPoland
Crimson ThornNile (early)Death MetalUnited States
Crushing the DeceiverThrash/Death MetalUnited States
CybergrindDeath MetalAustralia
Common yet ForbiddenThrash/Death MetalUnited States
Crimson MoonlightSachiel, Black/Death MetalSweden
CrutchTechnical Melodic Death MetalUnited States
ChaliceMetalcore/Melodic Death MetalUnited States
Coram DeoPower Metal (2003-2005), Melodic Death Metal (later)Ukraine
Cryptic RisingPost-Black Metal, Noise (early); Death Metal/Noise (later)United States
DalitBlack Tomb, KatatoniaDoom/Death MetalNorway
Dark Day DungeonMelodic Death/Thrash Metal/Old School HardcoreSwitzerland
Dark Lay StillSymphonic Black/Death MetalUnited States
Dark SecretDeath MetalItaly
Darkness Before DawnMelodic Death MetalUnited States
Dead End RisingMelodic Death MetalGermany
Death ListDeath MetalUnited States
Death RequisiteMelodic Death MetalUnited States
Decision DTestament (early), Exodus (early)Technical Thrash/Death MetalNetherlands
DeinmortemDeath MetalArgentina
DescendDeath MetalMexico
Destroyed EmpireDeath/Thrash/Gothic MetalBrazil
Destroyer of LieBlack/Death MetalUkraine
Deus InvictusTechnical Death Metal/DeathcoreUnited States
Dies MortemDeath Metal/GrindcoreBolivia
DieVersionDeath Metal (early), Groove Metal (later)South Africa
DiscernDeath MetalUnited States
Divine StormDeath MetalBrazil
Divus KiriusThrash/Death MetalVenezuela
DocileProgressive Death MetalNetherlands
DocnargathDoom/Death MetalBrazil
DoulosBrutal Death Metal/GrindcoreEcuador
DemoncrusherTechnical Death MetalChile
DiamothBlack Metal/Crust Punk (early); Death Metal (later)Chile
DiscarnatedDeath MetalAustralia
Dominator et SanctumDeath MetalUnited States
DynamusThrash/Death Metal/HardcoreBrazil
Day of AtonementDeath Metal with Black Metal influencesAustralia
DehumanizeBrutal Death MetalUnited States
Day of AscensionSymphonic Black/Death MetalUnited States
Demonic ExtinctionDeath MetalUnited States
DeracinationDeath MetalAustralia
DawnbreakerBlackened Death MetalUnited States
DesinfernalityDeath MetalBrazil
DeuteronomiumMelodic Death MetalFinland
Disarticulating ExtinguishmentSlam/Brutal Death MetalRussia
DivulgenceDeath MetalUnited States
EienMelodic Doom/Death MetalFinland
EncryptorBrutal Death Metal/GrindcorePanama
Endless SacrificeDeath MetalArgentina
EnshroudingDeath MetalFinland
EpistrefosDeath MetalColombia
EschatonDeath MetalBrazil
Eternal EmperorBlackened Death/Doom MetalGermany
Ethereal ScourgeDeath MetalAustralia
EulabesMelodic Death/Doom MetalUnited States
Exalt the ThroneMelodic Death/Symphonic MetalUnited States
EntornDoom/Death MetalUnited States
ExtolTechnical Death Metal with Black Metal InfluencesNorway
ExousiaMelodic Death MetalMexico
EmbodymentDeath MetalUnited States
Eternal MysteryDeath Metal/GrindcoreUnited States
Falling CycleMelodic Death Metal/MetalcoreUnited States
Final JudgementDeath/Thrash MetalUnited States
Flayed AliveBrutal Death MetalUnited States
FleshkillerOpeth (early)Progressive Death MetalNorway
Frank's EnemyThrash Metal (early), Death/Thrash Metal (mid), Death/Thrash Metal/Grindcore/Hardcore (later)United States
Fall of BabylonMelodic Death MetalUnited States
Feast EternalDeath MetalUnited States
FearscapeProgressive Death MetalAustralia
Falling ElbowDeath MetalBelgium
ForChristSakeMelodic Death MetalUnited Kingdom
GnomaSymphonic Death Metal (early), Black Metal (later)Peru
GoredeathDeath MetalUnited States
Grave DeclarationSymphonic Black/Death MetalNorway
Grave ForsakenDeath/Thrash MetalAustralia
Graviora ManentDeath/Thrash/Doom Metal (early), Gothic Metal (later)Poland
GromsTiamatDoom/Death MetalNorway
Grave DefierDeath Metal/GrindcoreUnited States
GólgotaDeath Metal/GrindcoreCosta Rica
HaShemMelodic Death Meta;United States
Hope for the DyingSymphonic/Melodic Death MetalUnited States
Hellfire DeniedBlack/Death MetalUnited States
HilastherionChildren of BodomMelodic Death MetalFinland
Holy BloodFinntroll, Amon AmarthFolk/Death/Black MetalUkraine
In Darkest DreamsDeath MetalUnited States
Incinerating the InfidelsSlam/Brutal Death MetalHungary
InhabitBrutal Death MetalUnited States
INRIThrash/Death MetalEcuador
InsoneDeath MetalBrazil
InversionDeath MetalUnited States
IrgalomBlack/Death/Doom MetalHungary
ImplementDeath MetalBrazil
IndwellingTechnical Death MetalUnited States
Inevitable EndThrash/Death Metal (early), Death Metal/Grindcore (later)Sweden
Impulsive DisembowelmentDeath MetalUnited States
IncubusDeath/Thrash MetalUnited States
Jordan RodriguezProgressive Death MetalUnited States
K626Death MetalUnited States
KarkaradonDeath MetalUnited States
KrigProgressive Death MetalBrazil
LamentationsOpeth (early)Progressive Death MetalSingapore
Last BattleBlack/Death MetalUkraine
Liberdade SupremaProgressive Death MetalBrazil
Light UnseenDeath Metal/GrindcoreUnited States
LithostrotosThrash/Death MetalAustria
Last Hours of TormentMelodic Death MetalUnited Kingdom
Living SacrificeObituary (old), DeceasedDeath Metal (Non-Ex/Inhabit)United States
LamentDeath Metal (early & later), Power Metal (mid)Mexico
MalchusLamb of God (early)Progressive/Melodic Death MetalPoland
Martyrs ShrineDeath/Thrash MetalAustralia
MediadhorDeath/Thrash MetalBrazil
MegiddonMelodic Death MetalFinland
MelechDeath MetalSweden
MenorahThrash/Death MetalBrazil
MetanoiaDeath MetalAustralia
MicniasDeath/Thrash MetalMexico
Ministros del SantuarioBrutal Death MetalPanama
Morbid SacrificeDeath MetalUnited States
MoriahDoom/Death MetalBrazil
MoriahMelodic Death MetalMexico
Morior InvictusMetalcore/Death MetalUnited States
MarttyriumProgressive Thrash Metal/Metalcore with Death influencesBrazil
Misery ChastainDeathcore/Death MetalUnited States
My Darkest TimeWipe AwayGothic/Doom/Death MetalNorth Macedonia
MegillothDeath/Thrash MetalRussia